Daffodils in Memory of 9/11

A new planting has just gone in on the hill off Oak Avenue, directly in the line of the gaze of the bronze Horace Greeley across the road. Approximately seventy victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 are interred at Green-Wood Cemetery. Several of them, including three firemen from Ladder 118, are interred on that hill. Until recently, there was a small grove of trees that had volunteered in at the crest of the hill. Art Presson, the superintendent of the grounds, thought that this would be a good spot for a planting in honor of these victims. So, he recently sent in some men from the grounds crew who cut down a few trees, pulled the stumps, and planted 2,500 daffodils, the flower that has become associated with 9/11. You can see the planted area in the above photograph–it’s the bare dirt across the top of the hill. We’ll have a followup in the spring: a photograph of the daffodils in bloom. They should be quite impressive.

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