Green-Wood Historic Fund Commemorates Battle of Brooklyn

** REQUEST FOR CALENDAR LISTING ** SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 2010 1776 Comes Alive At Green-Wood Green-Wood Historic Fund Commemorates Battle of Brooklyn With Day-Long, Family Friendly Events Including  Parade, Trolley Tour and 19th-Century Weapons Demonstrations By Revolutionary War Re-Enactors The Green-Wood Historic Fund will host a full day of family-friendly events on August 29, 2010 … Read more


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Battle of Brooklyn-234 Years Later

The Battle of Brooklyn was a big deal. Occurring on August 27, 1776, just weeks after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, it was the first battle of the new nation. And, as it developed, it was the largest battle of the entire Revolutionary War in terms of soldiers gather on or about the … Read more

When The Stars Come Out

Richard Anthony Proctor (1837-1888), born in England, attended college, then became an accountant. However, he soon developed an interest in astronomy, reading, then writing, about it. He became a prominent astronomer, researching, writing and lecturing. Between 1873 and 1884 he toured Great Britain, its colonies, and the United States on lecture tours. In 1880, while on … Read more

“Cemeteries Hold Parties to Die For”

Last week’s the headline on the front page of the Wall Street Journal told the story: “To Attract Future Customers, Cemeteries Hold Parties to Die For” Graveyards Plan Concerts, Sky-Diving, Clowns; ‘Meet Us Before You Need Us This was an interesting piece, and not just because I was quoted in it, though that doesn’t hurt. … Read more


** REQUEST FOR CALENDAR LISTING ** GREEN-WOOD HISTORIC FUND PROUDLY PRESENTS FALL/WINTER 2010 EVENT SCHEDULE An exciting array of historic walking tours, trolley tours and events make up the Green-Wood Historic Fund’s 2010 fall/winter schedule. These outdoor activities are part of an ongoing series of cultural and educational events that highlight Green-Wood Cemetery as an … Read more

Still Remembered and Honored

Of the more than half a million interred at Green-Wood Cemetery, few are remembered. Many died long ago, and their families and friends are long gone. So it is always comforting to learn of one person, here and there, who is remembered. Such an individual is William J. Florence (1831-1891), one of 19th century America’s great actors.

The Assassination of Mayor William J. Gaynor

One hundred years ago today, August 9, New York City’s Mayor William J. Gaynor was about to embark on a well-earned vacation cruise when he was shot by a New York City watchman who recently had been fired from his job. Here’s the dramatic photograph of Gaynor’s wounding, taken just seconds after a shot had … Read more