Your generous donation allows The Green-Wood Historic Fund to carry out its mission to preserve the past to serve the future. Every tax-deductible dollar helps.
Click on an item in the list below for more information on projects in need of donor support, and click here to donate securely online (please see our membership page as well).
If you are considering a major gift, or would like to discuss your gift in greater detail, please call The Historic Fund at 718-210-3080.

Join Green-Wood in conserving and restoring a selection of our endangered monuments, and aid us in our obligation to preserve the artistic legacy of the past… More >

A long-anticipated campaign to re-create the “Angel of Music” sculpture that was once at the grave of legendary 19th-century American composer and pianist Louis Moreau Gottschalk… More >

Donations provide crucial support as Green-Wood Cemetery sustains and enhances its 478-acre arboretum with plantings, landscaping and seasonal displays… More >