Green-Wood By Moonlight

Well, it’s that time of year again. Time to walk Green-Wood Cemetery at night. I’ll be leading Saturday Night by Moonlight, Flashlight, and Footlights on Saturday, May 22, starting at 8:15 p.m. If all goes as planned, we’ll see a great sunset from up on Green-Wood’s hills, and then I’ll lead you through the cemetery.

We’ll have two accordions playing for us–Bob Goldburg and Carl Riehl will be tickling the ivories (do accordionists tickle ivories, or is it only pianists)? That’s Bob on the right in this photograph; I don’t have a photo of Carl, but you get the idea . . . . We’ll go inside the Catacombs, always a treat, but a very special treat in the dark! And we’ll walk to the light (weather permitting) of the moon. The finale is “New York, New York,” written by Fred Ebb (a permanent resident of Green-Wood) and played by our accordions up on Battle Hill, with the Manhattan skyline in the distance. Bring a flashlight and you’re all set.

If you’ve never walked through Green-Wood  in the dark (and odds are you haven’t), it is a very special treat.

No reservations are necessary.

Admission is $10 for Historic Fund members, $20 for the public.

Hope to see you Saturday night!

1 thought on “Green-Wood By Moonlight”

  1. There is nothing more spectacular than seeing the sun set in the west atop the hillside overlooking the historic chapel. It is a prime photo op, as you can tell by the picture describing the tour. I have done this tour many times and let me tell you, there is nothing like seeing a full moon rise and illuminate the cemetery. It is very special. To walk the grounds with flashlight in hand and hear the warm tones of the accordians makes for a memorable and exceptional experience. The finale atop Battle Hill, 200+ ft above sea level and the magnificent skyline of New York City accompanied by the tune “New York, New York” is not to be missed. We get many repeat vistors because of this unique experience. If you missed this tour, get on our mailing list so that you can mark your calender and be a part of a “one of a kind” tour at night. Jeff Richman’s, (Green-Wood’s historian), overview and the beauty of Green-Wood, will keep you coming back for more.
    Marge Raymond
    Green-Wood Historic Fund Tour Guide


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