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For press/media inquiries, please contact Colleen Roche at Linden Alschuler & Kaplan Public Relations (212-329-1413).
Recent Highlights:
>> Our ceremony commemorating the victims of the United Airlines Flight 826 and Trans World Airlines Flight 266 collision in 1960 received significant press coverage (master AP list here), including a video report from NY1.
>> “My Favorite Place”, Paul Auster, Travel and Leisure, November 2010. Click here to download a PDF of the article, or click the thumbnails below for two adjoining screenshots.
>> “After Decades, Remains of a ‘Magical Voice’ Will Come to Rest“, James Barron, The New York Times City Room, October 2010
>>“A Darwinian Cemetery“, Shelley Banjo, Wall Street Journal, June 2010
>>“A Brooklyn Mystery Solved: Vandals Did It, in 1959“, James Barron, The New York Times City Room, May 2010