Spring Has Sprung

Here’s the headline on the front page of today’s New York Times: “Summer Overtakes Spring; Confusion Reigns.” The article describes the reaction by New York City’s dwellers to the record high for April 10, set yesterday, of 91 degrees in Central Park. And, over in Green-Wood Cemetery, if wasn’t just the people who were confused. The trees, having survived a challenging winter of snow, wind, and rain, had been getting ready for spring bloom. But, they were confused–was this really April 10? So, the magnolias, the cherries, the pears, and even the redbuds, not having a calendar to consult, went with what they felt, that warm air, and popped into bloom. Looking at my photographs from last year, we didn’t have this sort of bloom last year until around April 20, a good week and a half later. But, after that winter we just endured, I guess we and the trees are entitled to celebrate spring a bit earlier this year. Here, photographs from yesterday, a glorious day at Green-Wood Cemetery.

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