The Tiffany Touch

Louis Comfort Tiffany was quite the genius. The son of Charles Tiffany, who founded Tiffany and Company, he was a talented painter, interior designer, and stained glass artist. He is, of course, interred at Green-Wood Cemetery.

Tiffany is best known today for his stained glass lamps. But, that would have greatly frustrated him. He did not consider his lamps to be works of art. Rather, they were a convenient product to use the scraps from his stained glass windows.

Tiffany glass has gone through cycles of popularity. By the time of Tiffany’s death, his work was largely ignored. Even in the the 20th century, his art was considered of little value. But that has changed. Today, few artists anywhere, and certainly no other artist who is interred at Green-Wood, is the subject of more exhibitions.

The Montreal Museum of Art is currently offering a magnificent exhibition of Tiffany’s art. Above is one of the stained glass windows on display. And below is another great one.

Finally, a spectacular Tiffany lamp. If you would like to see more, click here, then click on Pictures on the Museum website. Enjoy!

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