Two Rudds Are Better Than One

Aaron Brashear is a great friend of Green-Wood Cemetery. And Green-Wood pays this friendship back by providing Aaron with an endless array of photographic opportunities. Aaron is at Green-Wood in snow storms, wind storms, spring and fall, shooting photographs, then shooting some more. He recently posted the photograph above on Flickr. It is in the Rudd family lot, the female figure high up on a granite base.

Soon after posting this photo, Aaron heard from Margie Sullivan, a Rudd descendant. She reported that there was a second Rudd lot at Green-Wood. Aaron soon discovered that he had already taken a photograph of the second Rudd family lot, and, lo and behold, he discovered that that lot had the same granite sculpture as the other Rudd lot; it was just on a lower base.

Below is that monument. And, clearly the Rudds liked this figure. I think it is Hope; note the anchor in her left hand. There are four generations of Rudds in those two lots, including Ms. Sullivan’s great great grandparents. If you would like to see more of Aaron’s photographs, click here.

3 thoughts on “Two Rudds Are Better Than One”

  1. Thank you for posting the photos and the info Margie had sent us.. It is always a pleasure reading the blog (when not walking and photographing in Green-Wood)! Keep up the great work.


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