No Respect for History

Unfortunately, not all historians are honest. Dr. Thomas P. Lowry, according to the description on one of his books, is “a retired professor of psychiatry.” Lowry, since the late 1990s, has made something of a name for himself as a researcher at the National Archives, going through obscure material there, then publishing books about his … Read more

A Witness To History

Few names from the Civil War are as magical as John Singleton Mosby (1833-1916), “The Gray Ghost” of the Confederacy. Leading his First Virginia Cavalry, widely known as Mosby’s Rangers, in lightning raids against Union forces, then disbursing to local farms, Mosby’s great raids are the stuff of legend. One of his most famous actions … Read more

Writing In Hope

It was a different time. During the Civil War, millions of men went off to fight for cause and country. But the governments of North and South were tiny, and had few resources. So private groups, like the Sanitary Commission, organized by New York City’s leading citizens (many of its leaders are interred at Green-Wood), … Read more

We Have a Launch!

It is a very exciting day! After a tremendous amount of work by many people, we are very proud to announce that our new website has launched. As you will see at, our website now has a great deal going on, reflecting the fact that there is so much that Green-Wood has to offer. … Read more

For Sale

Heinrich Steinweg (1797-1871) trained as a pianomaker in Germany. He immigrated to New York City in 1851, Anglicized his name to Henry Steinway, and, with his four sons, who had come with him, made Steinway Pianos America’s leading piano manufacturer. He had the largest tomb at Green-Wood built for his family: room for 128 interments … Read more

Tired of Dusting?

It is not unusual for museums to lose pieces in its collections. Artifacts, illegally dug or improperly exported, are routinely returned to their country of origin. Paintings, confiscated by Nazis, are found and returned to their owners. But the story about 4,500 pre-Columbian artifacts at the Brooklyn Museum is a strange one. Minor Cooper Keith … Read more

January Birthdays

Here are some of our most famous individuals with January birthdays. Perhaps their spirits are celebrating . . . January 1, 1819: Tom Hyer, a New York-born bare-knuckled boxer was recognized as the first American Champion after a 101-round victory over Country McCloskey at Caldwell’s Landing New York on September 9, 1841. After taking an … Read more

Discovering Brooklyn

New York City is composed of five boroughs. I know that’s true; I’ve checked my map. But sometimes it seems that Brooklyn is just too far away for those who inhabit the island of Manhattan. I remember doing a book fair in Central Park three or so years ago and trying to explain to those … Read more