Even A Tough Winter Has Its Saving Graces

This certainly has been a tough winter. No question: it is hard to enjoy all that snow shoveling, all that wandering through slush and puddles, all that cold.

But there is a saving grace–the incredible beauty left by winter storms. And, over the last few days, that beauty has been on display at Green-Wood. It was an unusual storm that came through last week–with a strong wind from the north–and it left snow clinging to the north side of trees, monuments, and tombs. Because it really hasn’t warmed up very much, that snow has stayed in place, creating some wonderful scenes. Here, a few that I have captured in the wake of our latest storm:

Update: I’ve just heard from Jake Bernstein, who loves Green-Wood. Here’s what Jake told me: “Walking amongst its inhabitants armed with your stories gives me a connection to the history of this City.” Jake is a fine photographer–here are three examples of his work. Though I like them all, I particularly like the image of the Matthews gargoyle, with a dusting of snow on its wings and nose.

Photo by Jake Bernstein
Photo by Jake Bernstein
Photo by Jake Bernstein

Second Update: I was just contacted by Larisa Shewczyk, who has generously allowed me to share a few of her Green-Wood-in-the-snow photographs with you. So, here they are. Great light! And, if you’d like to see a few more by Larisa, just click here.

Update on the Second Update: Just heard again from Larisa, who writes:

I love the cemetery and purposely moved to 22nd and 6th because of it. The history and memorials make me happy, and I appreciate the art involved because my mom works in the memorial industry as an artist.

Can’t wait for her spring photos!

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