As Fall Fades . . .

Art Presson, Green-Wood’s superintendent of the grounds, shares his thoughts on fall’s retreat:

It’s almost over, but the maples lining Vine Avenue, south of Fir Avenue are on

fire- red.

Maples afire.

Also one of the last gasps, which is a thrill, are the ginkgo biloba.

Ginkgo biloba.

They will be at peak of yellow tomorrow. Then soon, within a 24 hour period,

they will drop the bright yellow dress and it will pool in a circle at the

ankles. The tree will be stark naked, the ground vibrant. All that will be left

are the pear and willows to fawn over. Many of the oaks hold on, not

attractively, dropping leaves through the winter. Some will actually have to be

forced from the branch by emerging spring buds.


The winter is a show of harsh, raking light. We admire shades of gray and

textures of bark. We hope that snow is scenic and not disastrous. It is a time

of clear air affording good views of structure. That is the best spin I can put

on this truly depressing time of the year when we start to think Florida is

actually a good idea and wax poetic about football.

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