“Brooklyn Underground: Theatrical Stories From The Green-Wood Cemetery”

Looking for something special to do this weekend? Come see “Brooklyn Underground” in Green-Wood’s Historic Chapel. It is a great show and the perfect place for it.

Part of the cast of "Brooklyn Underground."

Here’s part of Henry Stewart’s review in “The L Magazine:”

The actors recite Green-Wood’s original rules from 1853 with professional authority, Shakespearean musicality and mock outrage; never, I’m sure, has the reading of regulations been so funny. The actors engage in livid arguments about the cemetery’s merits: statuary vs. landscape vs. prominent residents; they read a first-hand account of 1876’s Brooklyn Theater fire and Times items recounting the surprisingly many suicides that have been committed on the grounds since they opened. They use charts to follow trends in the numbers of vermin and other wild creatures captured and killed.

Here is Stewart’s entire review. And here’s more about “Brooklyn Underground.”

There are four performances of “Brooklyn Underground” this weekend: Friday evening, Saturday (afternoon and night), and the final performance Sunday afternoon. You may purchase tickets here. Don’t miss it!

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