Fall Foliage

It is one of my favorite Green-Wood things: taking fall foliage photographs. The light is great, the colors are intense, the monuments create a great atmosphere.

So, last week I had my chance, and here are some of the results.

If you have some free time in the next few days, get out on Green-Wood’s grounds and get some great images yourself.


This spot, with its eclectic collection of monuments and great foliage (that's a sourwood tree in orange foliage; there's also a maple to the left), is up on Ocean Hill. Year after year, it is one of my favorite spots.
Here's a closeup of one of the monuments.
And here's the signature of the sculptors that I just happened to notice on the base of the above sculpture as I was getting ready to photograph it.

For more on Casoni & Isola, from an earlier blog entry, click here.


A great, colorful maple.
A good brownstone monument in the foreground; it dates circa 1845.
Ginkgo leaves on a stairway.

No foliage here, but great light.

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