Historic Fund Benefit A Hit

Last night, almost 200 people gathered at Green-Wood for the 4th annual Historic Fund benefit. And it rained. Which, of course, was better than last year’s tornado. As the rain came down, one wag suggested that next year’s benefit be held in Texas, so that we might end the drought there.

But, despite the rain, it was a great night. Art Presson, our superintendent, with help from Megan Phelan, created rubbings of some of the most interesting Green-Wood monument inscriptions. Art got our metal shop to create two aluminum grids from which many rubbings hung. Considering that “The Final Word” was a one-night show, it really was miraculous.

And the benefit, which featured a mini-trolley tour of the cemetery, dramatic performances by The Artful Conspirators, band music, food and drink, was a great hit. Why not join us next year to support a great cause and enjoy a wonderful night at Green-Wood?


One of the two side walls displays in the Historic Chapel. Note the rubbing from the momument of Brooks Brothers, founders of the clothiers.
Visitors to Green-Wood most often ask about the gravesites of these two men: musician/conductor/composer Leonard Bernstein and artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Yes, that it real live sod underneath the rubbings of the Tiffanys. Charles Tiffany was a founder of Tiffany and Company. His son, Louis Comfort Tiffany, was a great artist. And De Witt Clinton was the most revered New Yorker of the early 19th century.
The text on this monument is beautifully written--concise but moving.
The Artful Conspirators performed at the benefit. They wowed the crowed with amusing, dramatic, and very entertaining takes on the cemetery's rules and regulations.
No occasion at Green-Wood would be complete without a proclamation from Brooklyn's beloved Borough President Marty Markowitz.
This year's honoree and recipient of The De Witt Clinton Award for Excellence was author, journalist, and Brooklyn legend Pete Hamill. Pete, who grew up nearby, spoke eloquently of his lifelong ties to Green-Wood.

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