Mulch, Free Trees, and Gardening

Green-Wood has long been known as a green oasis of trees and gardens.

Well, now we are taking it up a notch. So, on April 16, we will be hosting a day devoted to gardening. Free mulch will be available. In cooperation with the New York Restoration Project, and as a part of the MillionTreesNYC, we will have 200 trees to give away for FREE. And, we’ll also be available to answer your gardening questions.

As a lead up to this event, Lisa Alpert, our new and quite remarkable director of development and marketing, had an idea: a contest to name the event. So, she sent out an e-mail blast, and below are some of the very creative responses we’ve gotten. Feel free to add any suggestions in the comments.


Go Green with Green-Wood!

“Greenwood, more than a cemetery……….”

Sing into Spring at Green-Wood

Let the Green-Wood sing this Spring!

Give Trees a Chance


Growing Green at Green-Wood

How much mulch can a mulch-maker make?

Lots of trees grow in Brooklyn!

Green Glory: A Celebration of Earth and Spirit Renewed

“Monuments and Mulch Festival”

“Garden-palooza 2011”

“Ashes to Ashes, Mulch to Mulch”

“Our Residents are permanent, but you can take our Mulch anytime you want!”

“Please… take our Mulch, Take our Mulch… Please!”

“Yes, we have no Bananas, but we do have Trees and Mulch!”

“So, what’s the matter, you don’t like the gefilte fish? Have some Mulch.”

“You think people only come to Brooklyn to get good hot dogs?”

“Get your Garden Mulch from a National Historic Landmark”

“Fall is for Planting, but you can Mulch anytime you want!”

“Of course A Tree Grows in Brooklyn – we’ll even give you one to take home!”

“Visit a National Historic Landmark, see some Trees in Brooklyn, and take Home some Mulch.”

“I Think that I Shall Never See a Monument as Lovely as a Tree; but here it’s worth a try!

“Green-Wood for Greener Woods” is simple. I still did like the tag, “Come for a visit, stay for eternity.”

Mulch Maddddness!

A Tree Grows in Green-Wood.”

“Green-Wood: Bringing Our Earth Back To Life.”

“Life Begins at Green-Wood.”

“Life Begins at Green-Wood With Free Mulch.”

“Green-Wood: It’s Not Just Our Name That’s Green.”

“Green-Wood: It’s Not Just Our Name That’s Green. That Mulch You’ll See.”

“Help us recycle trees.”

Green-wood Gardeners’ Spring Gathering

Green-wood’s Gathering of Gardeners

“Take some mulch, we have too much”

“Take some mulch, we’re buried in it”

“Two green thumbs up”

“Going green since 1838.”

Mulch Along!

The mulch is free and the trees are dirt cheap
(sing to the tune of ac/dc dirty deeds)


Too Mulch Heaven
The Bee-Gees

“Dead Give-a-way”

Help your community grow beautifully

Greenwood Gives Good Mulch!

Green Free Wood Stuff
Greenfree Woodstuff

Too Mulch is Never Enough.

“Come for the mulch, stay for eternity”

One good fern deserves another

No tree left behind

Free Trees!….and give them room to grow

Branching out to beautify NYC

From Green-Wood to greener woods

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