We Have a Launch!

It is a very exciting day! After a tremendous amount of work by many people, we are very proud to announce that our new website has launched. As you will see at green-wood.com, our website now has a great deal going on, reflecting the fact that there is so much that Green-Wood has to offer. We’ve improved navigation (you can now find what you are looking for in several places), added a search feature, allowed for the highlighting of upcoming events, added my blog to the website, made it much easier to post comments on the blog, added much new content (an easy-to-read calendar of events, slide shows, press releases, links to press coverage, etc.) and much much more.

Thanks to Colin McDonald, who did a great great job on this. And thanks to Lisa Alpert, Aaron Brashear, Elizabeth Christian, and everyone else who worked so hard and so well to make this new website work for you.

We are not done yet; our Grave Finder should be up and working very soon, and we’ll be working on much more, over the upcoming months, to improve your Green-Wood experience. But take a look–and enjoy.

UPDATE: More good news! The Burial Search feature is back up and running. Thanks again to Colin for getting this working again.

1 thought on “We Have a Launch!”

  1. My mother is at rest at Greenwood since 1957. I was eleven when Cancer took her and too young to realize the depth of my loss. As an adult I visit her at GW and take great comfort in knowing that her eternal resting place is so Loved and respected. Thank You!


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