An Early Spring.

You don’t have to be a weatherman, or even a cemetery historian, to know that winter 2011-2012 barely made an appearance, and that spring it up and blooming. Looking at photographs I took last year, it seems to me that we are about 10 days earlier with blooms this year than last. I took these photographs yesterday, March 28, 2012–amazing color for so early. Get out on Green-Wood’s grounds this weekend and enjoy the blooms and the emerging leaves!

A great weeping cherry tree.
Daffodils--harbingers of spring.
Quite the bank of forsythia.
Sculptor Charles Caverley's bust of Elias Howe (the inventor of the sewing machine), against the cherry blossoms along Battle Avenue.
Here a magnolia, there a magnolia . . .
On the island in front of the Catacombs.


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