Help Has Arrived!

Since Hurricane Sandy hit, Green-Wood’s grounds crew has been working overtime to fix the place up: first the roads were cleared, then it was time to cut up the destroyed trees and repair the broken monuments. But there is a tremendous amount of work still to be done; the clean-up is not expected to be completed until next summer.

With all that remains to be done, Green-Wood is very thankful for the help we have received from students at our PENCIL partner school, the Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design. Williamsburg is the only high school in America offering a comprehensive college-prep preservation curriculum–and Green-Wood’s stellar restoration team has been offering hands-on training to these students for several years. They study architecture, preservation, math, and photography in their classrooms, then come out to Green-Wood to apply, and expand, their knowledge.

On December 12, more than a dozen Williamsburg High School students came out to Green-Wood to continue their education and to give back to the Brooklyn community. As Principal Gill Cornell noted, “This is an important opportunity for our students to hone their skills and to contribute to the ongoing recovery from Hurricane Sandy.” The students helped move fallen limbs and trunks and assisted with restoration work. Their volunteer work was greatly appreciated!

Student volunteers, wearing green hard hats, helped to remove branches from the grounds.
Green-Wood Cemetery restoration workers, assisted by a student (at left, in the green hard hat), lifting a granite gravestone back into place with a tripod, pulley and chain.

Just a few days ago, the media flocked to Green-Wood to cover this inspiring story. NY1 put together this video. News 12 Brooklyn filed this videotaped report. The Daily News published this story, with great photographs:

Williamsburg High Schools students, shown lending helping hands in this Daily News report.

And, the story of these student volunteers also was covered in the Wall Street Journal and the Brooklyn Eagle.

Thanks for your help, Williamsburg High School student volunteers!

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