Honoring Mexican-American War Officers

This past Friday, July 13, a ceremony 164 years in the making occurred. We honored men who served the United States of America and sacrificed their lives all those years ago. They were interred at Green-Wood on July 13, 1848, but their graves were never marked. Now each has a bronze plaque, mounted on a granite base, marking his final resting place. Here’s the story, as reported by The New York Times. For the background on this story, please check these earlier blog posts here, here and here.

Here are a few photographs, by Anthony Cucchiara, of the ceremonies:

Bugler Richard Wardlow plays the "Star Spangled Banner" as an Armed Forces color guard holds their flags.
Two soldiers and Green-Wood President Richard Moylan help unveil the bronze plaques.
The color guard, paying its respects.
Left to right, City Councilman David Greenfield, City Councilman Vincent Gentile, both of whom serve on the Veterans Committee, and Bill Asley, whose great great grandfather served in the Mexican-American War with the men who died in Mexico and were interred in this lot.

And, here’s a video by Jim Lambert, volunteer extraordinaire, of the conclusion of the ceremony: “Taps,” the color guard marches off, and a final drum roll:


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