Dia De Los Muertos

Green-Wood Cemetery is, at its core, a place of burial and mourning. But, it is much more than that. Since its founding in 1838, Green-Wood has functioned at many levels: quasi public park, sculpture garden, arboretum, bird habitat, and more. Historically, there has been a tension at Green-Wood over these layers of usage. In the … Read more

November 13: Bird Bill

November 13: The aptly-named Thomas Woodcock, on this date in 1852, submitted his bill to Green-Wood for 168 birds: 48 skylarks, 24 woodlarks, 48 goldfinches, 24 robins, 12 thrushes, and 12 blackbirds.

Heading In The Right Direction

Sometimes showing up is a big part of the battle. But, even if you do show up, you have to make every effort to head in the right direction. I recently heard fromĀ Albin Lohr-Jones, who had come across a nice little marble sculpture at Green-Wood. When Albin found it, it looked to his eye like … Read more