Green-Wood recently hosted its third annual “Open Houses” event. It is a great opportunity for volunteers to dress up in costume (from the Theater Development Fund) and get into character, greeting visitors to “their” mausoleums. And it is a wonderful chance for visitors to see Green-Wood as they have never seen it before–an inside look at some of Green-Wood’s most spectacular architectural features.
The cast.The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, “The Great Divine,” played by Ben Feldman, out saving souls.Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey (Alice Walsh and Marty Collins) greeting visitors to their abode.Mr. Schermerhorn (Colin McDonald), looking pretty good after all these years.There were big crowds on Saturday and Sunday–all for a good cause–supporting The Green-Wood Historic Fund.Louis Comfort Tiffany (Luke Spencer) seeing the light of day for the first time in quite a while.A dramatic pose by Marge Raymond at the grave of the producer of America’s first musical, William Wheatley. She sang “You Naughty, Naughty Men,” the hit from that 1866 production.Mrs. and Dr. Mott (Stephanie and Mark Carey) await visitors at the threshold of their mausoleum.Marie Depalma and Tracy Garrison-Feinberg sang 19th-century songs.Dr. Thomas Durant (Tom Russell), the man who drove the Golden Spike to complete the Transcontinental Railroad, with key in hand, at his door.Ruth Edebohls had a busy weekend in her mourning dress–Saturday the Widow Howe, Sunday the Widow Roosevelt.
Thanks to our great volunteers and to all of you who bought tickets to this event. You made it a great weekend!
Great photos from a great Open Houses Weekend!