Joan Rivers: A Green-Wood Fan

I have been writing the Green-Wood Historian’s Blog for almost 3 years now. I have thought about writing many stories related to Green-Wood. But, I must admit, I never thought I would be writing a blog post about comedian Joan Rivers.

Now, I must admit, Joan Rivers is one of my secret pleasures. Though I have never considered myself a fashionista, I regularly watch her on her weekly show, “Fashion Police.” But I didn’t realize until yesterday that Joan, bless her heart, is a Green-Wood fan.

Joan Rivers, who has been in show biz forever, hosts a weekly show, "Fashion Police."
Joan Rivers, who has been in show biz for a long time, now hosts a weekly show, “Fashion Police.”

Yesterday, on my way back from a day at Green-Wood, I was reading on the train. Reading New York Magazine. As I did so, I came across an article: “Super Bowl Saturday: And Super Bowl Friday night. And Super Bowl Sunday brunch. Some 80 die-hard New Yorkers offer firm tips for what visitors absolutely must do with their weekend. Locals, prick up your ears, too.” Now that is quite a title!

So I flipped through the article. And there, on page 63, was a sidebar that caught my eye. It was a photograph of Joan Rivers, with this headline beside it: “CEMETERY TOURS ARE FASCINATING.” And it got even better:

Joan Rivers recommends: Green-Wood Cemetery!
Joan Rivers first recommendation for exploring New York City: Green-Wood Cemetery!

Joan, after this little gift to Green-Wood, I promise, from this day forward, to laugh at all of your “Fashion Police” jokes. You are a fan of Green-Wood; that’s good enough for me!

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