Spreading the Word, One BRIC at a Time

Last week, Chelsea Dowell, Green-Wood’s manager of programs and membership, and I went over to the studios of Brooklyn Independent Media (BRIC) to shoot a live segment about the cemetery.

The BRIC logo.
The logo.

Shot at BRIC’s Arts Media House, corner of Fulton Street and Rockwell Place, “BK LIVE,” is a one hour show about Brooklyn, broken into four segments. Green-Wood was the final segment–appropriate, I suppose.

The show.
The show.

It was quite an experience! The segment started off with the first few minutes of a great video about Green-Wood, directed by Peter Putka and featuring actor John Turturro, entitled, “Unlike Any Other Place” (you can see the entire video here), a title that sums Green-Wood up pretty well. The hosts–Brian Vines and Greg Johnson, were a real pleasure. I’ve never before had this much fun during an interview. Brian and Greg brought a tremendous enthusiasm, engagement, and humor to the piece. They were well prepared and interested in the subject. And they were funny! Hopefully the message that emerged was that Green-Wood is indeed unlike any other place–it is a park of trees, gardens, and ponds, a sculpture garden, a place of architecture, an historic park, a place of memory, a place that can be enjoyed by visitors in many, many ways.

There we are, in the studio, with at left, at right.
There we are–Chelsea and me–in the studio, with the show’s hosts–Brian Vines at left, Greg Johnson at right.

And here’s the link to the segment. Enjoy!

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