Last week, Chelsea Dowell, Green-Wood’s manager of programs and membership, and I went over to the studios of Brooklyn Independent Media (BRIC) to shoot a live segment about the cemetery.

Shot at BRIC’s Arts Media House, corner of Fulton Street and Rockwell Place, “BK LIVE,” is a one hour show about Brooklyn, broken into four segments. Green-Wood was the final segment–appropriate, I suppose.

It was quite an experience! The segment started off with the first few minutes of a great video about Green-Wood, directed by Peter Putka and featuring actor John Turturro, entitled, “Unlike Any Other Place” (you can see the entire video here), a title that sums Green-Wood up pretty well. The hosts–Brian Vines and Greg Johnson, were a real pleasure. I’ve never before had this much fun during an interview. Brian and Greg brought a tremendous enthusiasm, engagement, and humor to the piece. They were well prepared and interested in the subject. And they were funny! Hopefully the message that emerged was that Green-Wood is indeed unlike any other place–it is a park of trees, gardens, and ponds, a sculpture garden, a place of architecture, an historic park, a place of memory, a place that can be enjoyed by visitors in many, many ways.

And here’s the link to the segment. Enjoy!