“Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends”

John Singer Sargent (1856-1925), one of the world’s greatest painters, was born in Florence, Italy, to American parents. As a teenager, with little formal education but already with a broad knowledge of music, architecture, and the fine arts, and fluent in four languages (English, French, German, and Italian), it was clear to him what his … Read more

Civil War Biographies: A-Baird

As per the census of 1880, Abbe lived in New York City with his mother and siblings, was single, and was employed by the Atlantic White Lead Works. On January 27, 1881, he married Ida Beulah Patten in New York City. As per his family’s genealogy, he worked with the Atlantic White Lead Works where … Read more

Painting Green-Wood

Green-Wood has come a long way in its 177 years. It started out in 1838 as a revolutionary idea: no more graveyard burials, but rather a rural cemetery, Christian non-demoninational, with acres of trees and  ponds, miles of winding roads and paths, serving New York City and Brooklyn. It then struggled to get people to … Read more