
Thanks to a generous grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Historic Green-Wood Cemetery, via The Green-Wood Historic Fund, is gearing up to offer a new range of Common Core- and C3 Framework for Social Studies-aligned school programs and professional development opportunities starting in Fall, 2019.

Pictured: A class walks through a grove of weeping beeches during an educational tour.
All previously-scheduled education programs for the 2018-19 academic will take place as scheduled.

If you are interested in booking a school visit to Green-Wood, or having Green-Wood educators visit your school, please fill out this interest form.

If you are interested in teacher professional development at Green-Wood, or having Green-Wood educators bring professional development to your school’s educators, please check back here in late spring, 2019.

Questions? Please call 718-210-3060, or email

The Education Program at Green-Wood is supported in part by a generous grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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