March 2010 Storm Relief Appeal

Dear Friends of The Green-Wood Cemetery,

This past weekend’s rain and wind storm that ravaged the metropolitan area—said to be the worst in 30 years—damaged countless neighborhoods in and around New York City. Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery was not spared. Our heavily forested 478 acres sustained significant damage: hundreds of trees were uprooted; shrubs were ripped out of the ground; monuments were toppled and broken.

We have already begun the long, arduous and costly cleanup of our historic grounds, restoration of damaged monuments and statuary, and replacement of plantings and trees, some of them over a century old. We estimate that these efforts will cost several hundreds of thousands of dollars, expenses that will significantly strain our already limited resources.

In our dense urban environment, trees and open green spaces are a precious commodity. Please help us keep Green-Wood in its essential role of a green jewel in our city setting.

Any donation, no matter what size, will help us restore Green-Wood Cemetery, a National Historic Landmark, to its pre-storm beauty. You can make an online donation today on our donation page or by calling 718-210-3010.

We sincerely appreciate your help.

-The Green-Wood Historic Fund

Related story: Storm damage to Green-Wood is cited in March 16’s New York Times.

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