Green-Wood Artist, Inspired By Other Green-Wood Artists

Since its founding, Green-Wood Cemetery has inspired artists with the magnificence of its grounds. The gravestones, sculptures, vistas, trees, blooms, and gardens have all moved artists to do what they do best: create their art.

David Listokin is an artist within this tradition. David, a trained artist, attended the performance of “Angels and Accordions” last October and was greatly inspired by the dancers and musicians. As a result, he has created his own art at Green-Wood.

Here’s how David describes himself:

David Listokin was born in Manhattan to a father and mother who were and are wonderful musicians. His dad was First Clarinet at NBC Symphony of the Air.

David is a neighborhood guy, because his dear friends from Brooklyn have sponsored him to live here off and on for 25 years. David is a visual arts graduate of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. He also has a fine arts degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

David is a certified art teacher in New York State, and does murals in the neighborhood using community members as participants. He enjoys teaching art at the Park Slope Geriatric Day Center and would like to combine the elderly and school age students in art classes.

Listokin was standing near Green-Wood Cemetery’s Historic Chapel near the beautiful lily pond one beautiful day last year when he beheld  the most beautiful musical and visually pleasing apparition ever in his 47 years: dancers seemed to float up into the heavens of the late summer sky. The tones and sounds and melody emanated from one of the loveliest instruments our planet has been given-the music from the accordions wafted, caresses, moving Listokin to such heights of emotion that he found himself working on a series of pen and ink drawings on Bristol board right there on the spot. Listokin had been sketching the beauty of the cemetery already, and continued after this day, as well, but his memory of the beauty from another higher lighter more beautiful world will live in his heart forever! Here are some of his pieces, some of them done that very day in the beauty of the soul!

Now, let’s let David’s remarkable drawings of Green-Wood speak for themselves. Click on each image to see it larger.

If you would like to contact David, you may do so at

7 thoughts on “Green-Wood Artist, Inspired By Other Green-Wood Artists”

  1. Joel as usual your work leaves me speachless! I love them! Do you know that I still have the Frankenstein drawing that you sent me after I visited you in NC back when we were really young? So you know that I love your work. I have always wished that I was even a quarter as talented as you are. Hope all is well. Love Grace g.anderson51@

  2. David ‘s work will be seen as part of the 2013 Park Slope -Windsor Terrace Artists Open Studio Tour , Columbus Day Weekend Oct 12, 13, and 14 , from 11-7 . His work will be shown at 303A 16th St between 6th and 7th Avenues.

    He has some very nice paintings.

    Tom Keough

    • Thanks, Tom! I thoroughly enjoy your Brooklyn Night scenes! I am honored by your kind words!

      David Hans Listokin

  3. David’s artwork is on display throughout September 2014 for our neighbors to see while enjoying hair care at Slope Sud’s at the corner of 16th Street and 7th Avenue. Just a short walk from Green-Wood. The staff has been supportive of the local artists featured on the
    website. This is very neighborly of them.

  4. David ‘s work will be seen as part of the 2014 Park Slope -Windsor Terrace Artists Open Studio Tour , Sat Nov 8 & Sun Nov 9 , from 11-7 . His work will be shown at 303A 16th St between 6th and 7th Avenues.

    He has some great drawings!

    Tom Keough

  5. David ‘s work will be seen again as part of the annual Park Slope -Windsor Terrace Artists Open Studio Tour , Sat Nov 7 & Sun Nov 8 , from 11-7 . His work will be shown at the Roots Cafe. It will be shown through out November at Roots, located at 639 Fifth Avenue, between 18th & 19th Streets.

    For more information please go to
    or call Tom at 718 768 6171


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