
I was out on the cemetery grounds a few weeks ago and ran into Rob Jett. Rob is a very dedicated birder who goes far and wide to see birds, but who loves returning to Green-Wood year after year. As we talked, he noted that it was prime butterfly season. Rob generously offered to share some of his butterfly photographs with me and you. So here are some of Rob’s spectacular photographs:

You can find Rob’s Green-Wood butterfly slide show here. You’ll like it!

Best places to see butterflies at Green-Wood in the next few weeks: the butterfly garden in section 157, near the intersection of Vine and Fir Avenues; the garden in front of the De Witt Clinton Monument, in section 108; and the garden around New York City’s Civil War Soldiers’ Monument, at the top of the stairs leading up to Battle Hill, in section 123. Our sedum Autumn Joy in those gardens is a particular attraction for butterflies–that’s it in the middle photograph above.  Get out to Green-Wood this weekend and enjoy our butterflies!

And, if you would like to take a look at Rob’s wonderful blog, “The City Birder,” you can find it here.

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