From Disaster, Hope–A Follow-up

Soon after Hurricane Sandy hit, I blogged “Sandy Hammers Green-Wood.” David Dunlap of The New York Times reported soon thereafter, “Many Cemeteries Damaged, But Green-Wood Bore The Brunt of the Storm.”

On December 13, I reported that, in the wake of the massive damage Hurricane Sandy had caused to Green-Wood (300 trees destroyed, several hundred monuments damaged, total damaged estimated at $1 million), there was at least some hope: wood from our destroyed trees was going to be used by Brooklyn artists to create furniture, bowls, and other items.

Well, fortunately that process continues. Woodworker Peter Davis was recently at Green-Wood, with a large truck, selecting and loading wood.

Large logs, awaiting pick-up.
Loading a truck.
Sad to see a tree this old destroyed by a storm; good to see this wood will become something of use.

And here’s the grappler truck that artist Tony Visco brought into Green-Wood to collect wood for furniture-making:

Loading up wood. It is heading off to a mill for cutting--then will be used to create furniture.

If you would like to see some of the pieces Peter and Tony have created in the past, which will give you a good idea of what they will be creating with this wood, click here.

2 thoughts on “From Disaster, Hope–A Follow-up”

  1. This is a great little story, and I’m so glad that Greenwood is 1) engaged in these activities and 2) talking about them. When I started my business almost a decade ago (selling biodegradable coffins and urns to promote natural cemetery management) I had a small bout with cancer.

    During the “making final plans” process, I created instructions for being buried naturally, under a tree – a native Oregon Cherry to feed birds, of course – and then cut down in “my” prime, and gifted to a “school for woodworkers to make into instruments and bowls”.

    As I faced the upcoming surgery and cancer-recovery period, there was great comfort in imagining that, even if I exited a bit prematurely, I’d someday have parts of myself making music and feeding people, continuing The Work that I’ve found so much meaning in during this very precious life.

    Thanks again for keeping the life so visible in Green-Wood Cemetery.

    in trees,


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