December 3: Chapel Hill Selection

December 3: On this date in 1849, Chapel Hill was selected by Green-Wood’s board as “the most suitable location for the erection of a chapel;” but not until 1910 would a chapel be built at Green-Wood in another location.

December 2: Nehemiah Cleaveland

December 2: On this date in 1872, the Green-Wood board of trustees voted to give historian Nehemiah Cleaveland, who chronicled the cemetery’s early years, a burial lot in recognition of his “literary services.”

November 30: George Tilyou

November 30: George Tilyou, who created Steeplechase Park in Coney Island in order to entertain the masses, died on this date in 1914; his epitaph reads, surprisingly for a man in the business of making people laugh, “Great Hopes Lie Buried Here.”

November 26: Francis Bannerman

November 26: Francis Bannerman, who became the world’s largest dealer in used military equipment after the Civil War, storing his merchandise on Bannerman’s Island in the Hudson River, died on this date in 1918.