April 29: Joseph Perry and the Schermerhorns

April 29: Green-Wood’s comptroller, Joseph Perry, reports on this date in 1842 that an agreement has been reached with the Schermerhorns to purchase 85 acres from them at $350 per acre. The Schermerhorns soon built their mausoleums on the land that they had owned and sold to Green-Wood.

April: 28: John Britton

April 28: On this date in 1837, John Britton was born. He would serve in the Civil War as major of the 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry, fighting in 48 battles and being severely wounded several times. Years later, he lost his eyesight as a result of one of those wounds; he died in 1897.

April 26: Poet Alice Cary

April 26: Poet Alice Cary was born on a farm near Cincinnati, Ohio, on this date in 1820; she and her sister Phoebe came to New York City and became the center of a literary circle.

April 24: Henry Warner Slocum

April 24: Henry Warner Slocum, who served as a major general during the Civil War, holding Culp’s Hill at Gettysburg and serving as General William Tecumseh Sherman’s right-hand-man on the March to the Sea, as well as serving as a Congressman from Brooklyn, died on this date in 1894.

April 23: Anne Leah Fox

April 23: In 1863, on this date, Spiritualism, which had been invigorated by the Fox family’s “Rochester Rappings” (and the subsequent promotion by Anne Leah Fox of seances with her sisters Kate and Margaret), achieved a new high when a seance was held in the White House with President Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, and several cabinet members

April 22: Abraham Vosburgh

April 22: On this date in 1861, as the Civil War was beginning, Colonel Abraham Vosburgh led the 71st New York State Militia to Washington, D.C., to defend the nation’s capital against Confederate attack.