Civil War Biographies: Gibbes-Grandin

The 1861 census for Charleston showed that he owned three properties on John Street in the 5th Ward that were occupied, one only by slaves and the others by slaves and free persons. He also owned two properties on Wall Street in Charleston. Other documents note that he desired to obtain $16,000 in funds that … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Granger-Hallick

The census of 1870 states that he was a mason by trade whose real estate was worth $10,000, and whose personal estate was valued at $2,500. The 1873 and 1880 Brooklyn Directories list Granger as a bookkeeper; the 1880 census specifically indicates that he was a clerk in a fish store. Granger’s Civil War service … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Halliday-Hayward

After the War, the U.S. census listed Halliday as a carpenter but in later years he was employed as an undertaker according to Trow’s New York City Directory for 1876-1884 and in the 1880 census. A clerk in 1884, he apparently retired in the late 1880s. His obituary states that he last worked as a merchant. … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Head-Hickey

Just as we were going into battle, General Wadsworth -that gray-haired old veteran whom the soldiers all loved- rode up. He held a revolver in one hand and with the other he caught the edge of the colors and ‘Follow Me, Boys!’ Head replied, ‘General, I’ll follow you anywhere!’ We charged among a lot of … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Hicks-Hoodless

Hicks wrote, in part, “… You have pierced the healing wounds of passion in my heart and set them to bleeding again. Father, once more I tell you … I am an altered boy….” After his Naval service, his life took many turns, many of them notorious. He practiced law, took up acting and traveled … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Hooper-Hutton

He remained on detached service in August and September 1862. Hooper was discharged for promotion to second lieutenant at Fernandina, Florida, on February 17, 1863, the date that he was commissioned into Company G of the 33rd USCT (United States Colored Troops). His muster roll notes that he was appointed by Brigadier General Rufus Saxton … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Hyatt-Johnstone

HYATT, JOSEPH C. (or E.) (1814-1893). Captain, 11th New York Cavalry, Company E; first lieutenant, 32nd New York Infantry, Company F. Born in Westchester County, New York, the 1850 census notes that Hyatt lived in New York City. During the Civil War, Hyatt enlisted as a first lieutenant on May 14, 1861, at New York … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Joiner-Kimball

When his widow, Emma Bragaw, applied for a pension and certified under certificate 4,454, several of his fellow crew testified as to his poor health. Peter McGinnis swore in an affidavit of December 11, 1893, in support of her pension application, that Joiner always complained of being cold, suffered from bronchitis during his time on the … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Kimmel-Knight

During his military service, he was reduced to sergeant at his own request on November 13, 1861, and asked to be reduced to private on December 13 of that year. The reductions in rank came about after he was arrested for failure to quiet his men who were talking after taps were played. After bouts … Read more

Civil War Biographies: Knipe-Leggett

KNOWER, FRANKLIN H. (1836-1902). First lieutenant, 139th New York Infantry, Companies I and C. A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Knower enlisted at Brooklyn on August 20, 1862, mustered into Company I of the 139th as a sergeant two days later, and was promoted to quartermaster sergeant a month later on September 9. He mustered into … Read more