Another Find

Asa Bird Gardiner (also spelled Gardner) (1840-1919) led a very interesting life. A native New Yorker, he enlisted there very early in the Civil War as a first lieutenant and was commissioned into the 31st New York Infantry. During that tour of duty, Colonel Calvin E. Pratt, commanding officer of the 31st, wrote from Alexandria, … Read more

“Off Limits”

Friday was a very interesting day. I had been contacted several weeks ago by a production company interested in shooting a piece about Green-Wood for an upcoming Travel Channel show. I had not heard of the show, but it sounded interesting. Friday was the date for the shoot. I must admit, I really hadn’t done … Read more

The Union Forever!

One hundred and fifty years ago, in April, 1861, war fever was sweeping New York City. In the wake of the bombardment of the Union garrison at Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, Major Robert Anderson and his men were transported by ship to New York City. They arrive to a hero’s reception on … Read more

The Civil War Sesquicentennial Begins Today

One hundred and fifty years ago, on April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m., secessionist batteries surrounding Fort Sumter began their artillery bombardment of Union forces. The Civil War had begun. Present inside Fort Sumter that morning was Patrick Murphy (1833-1903), a musician of the 1st United States Artillery. Born in Roscommon, Ireland, Murphy immigrated to … Read more

Here Comes Spring!

Today dawns cloudy, with a mist. Weatherman says we are finally in for a spring-like day. So, ever the optimist, Here Comes Spring! To get you in the spirit, here are a few of my photographs from last May. And here are two from our roving photographer, Jake Bernstein. Thanks, Jake, for allowing me to … Read more

Master Carvers: Casoni & Isola

On a fine early spring day recently, I went for a stroll around Green-Wood. Now, one of the virtues of such a wander is that, even after years of exploring, there is always something to discover, something you’ve never noticed before. So, as I walked past this monument, I stopped to take a closer look. … Read more

Opening Day: Are You Ready for Some Baseball?

Well here we are. Not too much spring in the air. It’s not even April yet! But, it is indeed OPENING DAY–time for baseball. And, if you look closely, you’ll see that the harbingers of spring are indeed here: the trees are about to leaf out, the magnolias about to bloom–and the sound of bat against … Read more

April Birthdays

April–a great month to be born. Mothers giving birth in April avoid being pregnant during the summer. Babies born in April get to loll outside, enjoying the warmth of spring and summer, with no clue that winter is on its way. And, did I mention, my birthday is in April? Here are a few of … Read more

Brooklyn’s Poet Laureate: A Green-Wood Fan

Just a few weeks ago, Tina Chang was selected from 22 applicants to become Brooklyn’s latest poet laureate. Well, it turns out that Ms. Chang is good at more than poetry–she’s also very good at figuring out what is important. So, when recently interviewed for a piece on, “The Online Magazine for International Literature,” … Read more

Chester Burger: An Amazing Man

Chester Burger, my good friend, died on Tuesday. He was 90 years old and had led a full life. When he learned, several months ago, that he had prostate cancer, he accepted his fate, and carried on with his life as best he could. He was a remarkable man: smart, articulate, inventive, spiritual. He loved … Read more