Baseball Is In The Air!

Pitchers and catchers have reported for spring training. Baseball is in the air! And, earlier this month, an 1865 photograph of a baseball team sold at auction in Biddeford, Maine, for a $92,000 ($80,000 was the top bid; with buyer’s premium, the total for the buyer to take it home was $92,000). Now, that was … Read more

Green-Wood and Brooklyn Historical Society in 2013

GREEN-WOOD HISTORIC FUND AND BROOKLYN HISTORICAL SOCIETYANNOUNCE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP RECIPROCAL MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS OFFERED (BROOKLYN, NY – January 16, 2013)  The Green-Wood Historic Fund (GWHF) and Brooklyn Historical Society (BHS) announced today that they have entered into a one-year strategic partnership to collaborate on important public projects that celebrate the history of the two institutions, the … Read more

Antiques By Green-Wood’s Artists

Last week was Antiques Week in New York City. Antiques shows were everywhere! So, being a fan of such things, I thought I would take a day off from my work as the historian at Green-Wood to check out the shows. My first stop was the Armory Show at the 69th Regiment Armory–26th Street and … Read more

Time Capsule Discovered

Last Thursday, a construction worker, using a jackhammer, was working on the expansion of Green-Wood’s Crematory and Columbarium when he hit something strange in a wall: a metal box. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that this was no ordinary box–it was a time capsule! It turns out that Ken Taylor, Green-Wood’s vice president for … Read more

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett Dead at 76

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett, internationally-acclaimed composer, died on Christmas Eve, 2012. His remains will be interred at Green-Wood. It turns out that Sir Richard and Sir Paul–Paul McCartney, that is–were good friends. Here is Paul’s website, as it appears today, January 10, 2013: And, also on that home page, “A personal message from Paul on … Read more

A Poem to New Year’s Eve, 100 Years Ago

Sue and Ed Ramsey were both fighting bad colds on the last day of 2012–“sick as dogs”– just a few days ago. So they decided that there would be no New Year’s Eve party that night for them–just a quiet night at home. Sue, who has been a researcher for Green-Wood’s Civil War Project for … Read more

2013: Celebrating Green-Wood’s 175th!

On April 18 of this year, The Green-Wood Cemetery will celebrate the 175th anniversary of its founding. In honor of this historic anniversary, we will be celebrating in many ways, including a gallery exhibition devoted to Green-Wood, “A Beautiful Way To Go,”opening at the Museum of the City of New York in May. We also … Read more