Sculptor Thomas Crawford

Our Green-Wood Historic Fund Collections continue to grow. Green-Wood’s president, Rich Moylan, is always on the look-out for paintings or sculpture by Green-Wood’s permanent residents. He recently purchased this marble bust: And here is the inscription on its back: “T. Crawford” is of course Thomas Crawford (1814-1857), renowned 19th-century sculptor best-known for his sculpture, “Statue … Read more

“Kings County” With Kurt Andersen

Kurt Andersen has quite the resume. A novelist, he also has written for movies, television, and theater. He has been a columnist for The New York Times, Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, and The New Yorker. He is the host of “Studio 360” on Public Radio International and WNYC. A co-founder and editor of Spy … Read more

Chapel Slideshow

    WordPress version with auto play and slow fade effect: [nggallery id=1]   Flickr version with unretouched photos for comparison:

At Long Last . . .

It was not business-as-usual in New York City on July 12, 1848. The remains of the officers of New York’s First Regiment who had died in the far-off Mexican-American War had finally come home. On that date, respects had been paid to them as their caskets were displayed in front of City Hall–the crowd had … Read more

Two Brothers, One South, One North

Green-Wood has many great stories. But few, if any, can match the drama of that of the Civil War Prentiss brothers: “Two Brothers, One South, One North.” It is an A+ at all levels: two brothers from the border state of Maryland, one who fought for the North, the other for the South, during the … Read more

Green-Wood’s Great Trees

Green-Wood is many things: sculpture garden, historic park, bird-watcher’s paradise, suburb for the dead. But it is also a great arboretum, with one of New York City’s great tree collections. Our 478 acres are home to almost 7,000 trees. An expert from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, after touring the grounds recently, told us that Green-Wood … Read more

Green-Wood Collects: Smillies

The Green-Wood Historic Fund continues to collect items that help us tell the stories of the cemetery’s history and its permanent residents. Just weeks ago, we were able to purchase four carte de visite photographs of members of the Smillie family. As you will read below, these were important purchases for our collections. Green-Wood was … Read more

A Hero Fireman

By the 1850s, Green-Wood was the place for burials of New York City residents. The great heroes of that era were firemen–the Firemen’s Monument had been established at Green-Wood in 1848. We recently came across a full-page ad by American Antiques of Oxford, Maryland, in Maine Antique Digest, for a “Rare and Important New York … Read more

On Green-Wood’s Grounds

There is a lot going on across Green-Wood’s magnificent 478 acres. New trees are being planted. So, in April, Green-Wood staff was contacted by Bart Chezar, a Park Slope environmentalist who is active with the American Chestnut Foundation. Bart explained in an e-mail: In 2004, working with staff in Prospect Park, we planted several American … Read more