Memorial Day Concert A Hit

Yesterday, Green-Wood hosted its 14th Annual Free Memorial Day Concert. A big crowd turned out to enjoy the music of the Interschool Orchestras of New York (ISO) Symphonic Band, founded and conducted by Brian Worsdale. Maggie Worsdale was the special guest vocalist. It has become a tradition at Green-Wood: the concert music features pieces composed … Read more

Angel On Its Way Home

Since soon after Green-Wood Cemetery’s founding in 1838, it has been a great sculpture garden. If you lived in mid-19th-century New York City or Brooklyn, and you wanted to see sculpture, you came to Green-Wood. There was virtually no other public sculpture at that time. The Metropolitan and Brooklyn Museums did not yet exist. No … Read more


Designed in 1911, our stunning chapel is the perfect venue for your wedding, party or other special event

Delivering Historic Orders

This past Saturday the General Meade Society of Philadelphia (“Preserving the Memory of the Victor of Gettysburg”) ventured up to Green-Wood for a Civil War tour. Here’s their website.  And here’s the group: During the tour, I talked about Green-Wood’s Civil War Project, now in its 10th year. Since its inception, hundreds of volunteers have … Read more

Manhattan’s Underground Railroad Station

I’ve been catching up on some e-mail this week and came across a link Ruth Edebohls (one of our great Historic Fund tour guides and a great fan of New York history) sent me to a Daily News story from January, 2012. It reports that a marker was unveiled in front of the home of Abigail … Read more

Play Ball!

As the baseball season moves into full stride, it is a good time to remember Green-Wood’s permanent residents who played such a prominent role in the creation of the National Pastime. What other place has four men who claimed to have been “The Father of Baseball?” I was interviewed last week by Mark Morales of … Read more

Remembering The Titanic

April 15, 2012 is the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. This past Saturday, Joe Edgette, who has been studying the Titanic and its passengers for many years, and is also expert on all things cemetery, led a tour of Green-Wood’s Titanic-related sites. Our trolley and caboose were full–this tour sold out weeks … Read more

A Green-Wood Summer Respite, In Days of Yore.

Ben Feldman is fascinated by Green-Wood’s permanent residents. He has written two books, both of which were about individuals who lie at Green-Wood: Butchery on Bond Street: Sexual Politics and the Burdell-Cunningham Case in Ante-bellum New York, and Call Me Daddy: Babes and Bathos in Edward West Browning’s Jazz Age New York. Ben blogs as … Read more

An Early Spring.

You don’t have to be a weatherman, or even a cemetery historian, to know that winter 2011-2012 barely made an appearance, and that spring it up and blooming. Looking at photographs I took last year, it seems to me that we are about 10 days earlier with blooms this year than last. I took these … Read more