Civil War Sesquicentennial
Green-Wood will be the place in New York City to honor the sesquicentennial of the beginning of the Civil War.
Green-Wood will be the place in New York City to honor the sesquicentennial of the beginning of the Civil War.
There are many ways to see Green-Wood – on foot, on wheels, on a tour, or on your own!
12-15-10: CBS New York: ABC News: Fox News: NBC New York: PIX 11:,0,7894833.story?page=1 MSNBC: Yahoo News: The Olympian: Miami Herald: Valley News Live: Mercury News: WRBL News: WTOP: Kansas Star: Pilot Online: Florida Times Union: Washington Examiner: WOW: … Read more
Green-Wood is the ideal place for your group’s next outing. With grand, sweeping views of Manhattan, beautifully designed landscapes, and 175 years of American history, Green-Wood is an enlightening and enjoyable day trip for any group. On your private tour, your group will hop aboard our historic trolley as a Green-Wood tour guide tells the … Read more
Browse our complete press archive (including news articles, press releases, news videos, and news photos). Also see our photo gallery and film and video pages. For press/media inquiries, please contact Colleen Roche at Linden Alschuler & Kaplan Public Relations (212-329-1413). Recent Highlights: >> Our ceremony commemorating the victims of the United Airlines Flight 826 and … Read more
In addition to the Green-Wood website, you can find and follow Green-Wood at a variety of other popular media and networking sites around the internet: Green-Wood on Facebook: Become our fan, write on our wall, look for special updates, view photos and videos, and more! Green-Wood on Twitter: Instant news, event, and other updates from … Read more
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In addition to our general list of themed lesson plan/class tours, we offer highlights of successful educational experiences at Green-Wood. We hope they provide educators and their students additional examples of how local public schools can interface with The Historic Fund’s educational programming thorough example. Historic Green-Wood’s Educational Program is open to teachers and schools … Read more
Designer: Unknown Location: Fern Avenue between Atlantic Avenue and Highland Avenue Saved in Time Estimate: $75,000 For cleaning, repointing and consolidation treatment of marble components; re-creation and installation of “weathered” replacement sculptural elements; and related work (details below). Born in Scotland and brought to America as a youngster, James Gordon Bennett Sr. entered the world … Read more