“A Widow’s Mite”

Benjamin Feldman is one of Green-Wood’s most ardent enthusiasts. For many years, Ben spent a good deal of his free time cataloguing Green-Wood’s collections. Inspired by Green-Wood stories, he wrote Butchery on Bond Street: Sexual Politics and The Burdell-Cunningham Case in Antebellum New York (2007) (the story of the Dr. Harvey Burdell and Emma Cunningham, … Read more

A Night At Niblo’s Garden

It was a picnic. But it was so much more. It was entertainment under the stars, but even more than that. It was “A Night At Niblo’s Garden.” William Niblo, who now rests at Green-Wood, was a great impersario of the first half of the 19th century in New York City. He lies in a … Read more