Thanks, Library of Congress

I am always looking for photographs of the 5,000 Civil War veterans and others who played a role in the war and are interred at Green-Wood. Their biographies went up on our website this past Memorial Day as a tribute to the men and women who sacrificed so much in defense of the Union. Those … Read more

Delivering Historic Orders

This past Saturday the General Meade Society of Philadelphia (“Preserving the Memory of the Victor of Gettysburg”) ventured up to Green-Wood for a Civil War tour. Here’s their website.  And here’s the group: During the tour, I talked about Green-Wood’s Civil War Project, now in its 10th year. Since its inception, hundreds of volunteers have … Read more

January Birthdays

Here are some of our most famous individuals with January birthdays. Perhaps their spirits are celebrating . . . January 1, 1819: Tom Hyer, a New York-born bare-knuckled boxer was recognized as the first American Champion after a 101-round victory over Country McCloskey at Caldwell’s Landing New York on September 9, 1841. After taking an … Read more