Tiffany in Stones

It is a fact of life–there is always (or almost always) someone out there who knows more than you do about something. It is pretty well known that Louis Comfort Tiffany designed stained glass windows for use in cemetery mausolea. There are several of those at Green-Wood. And, just a year ago, I was pretty … Read more

“Greenwood As It Is”–in 1901

By the 1850s, Green-Wood was second only to Niagara Falls as an American tourist attraction. Many guides were written over the years describing Green-Wood’s grounds. Those guides offer great and varied information. Always on the lookout to increase my Green-Wood knowledge, I recently came across a guide to Green-Wood from 1901, written by Louisa Richardson: … Read more

Antiques By Green-Wood’s Artists

Last week was Antiques Week in New York City. Antiques shows were everywhere! So, being a fan of such things, I thought I would take a day off from my work as the historian at Green-Wood to check out the shows. My first stop was the Armory Show at the 69th Regiment Armory–26th Street and … Read more